Sunday, January 15, 2012

Oh hex

The day started out with intentions of cutting a few dozen hexagons to try out these 2-inch hexagon papers I found at Antoinette's quilt shop in Plover. The papers are printed freezer paper pre-cut shapes. (Yes, I could cut my own shapes from freezer paper, but I know I won't.) Just press them to the wrong side of fabric, leaving 1/4" seam allowance around each, cut and baste for perfect hexagons. The shapes are can be used repeatedly -- until they no longer stick.

As I was saying, the idea was to cut a few dozen hexagons just to have a handwork project available for whenever the mood strikes. I had just finished ironing the shapes to fabric when the kitchen door opened and Paul yelled for me. So much for the hexagons. So much for his farm chores.

The next five hours were spent in urgent care (without any handwork) while Paul went about the business of having his fractured ankle treated.
There will be another trip to Marshfield later this week to see the orthopedic surgeon. Paul will be on the injured list for a couple of months. The poor guy is going to go crazy. Our sons will do double-duty with their jobs and the farm. I'll go to work. When I'm home in the evening with my uncharacteristically housebound husband I'm going to do handwork -- piecing hexagons -- while dreaming up ways to help him stay on this side of the sanity line.

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