After meeting in Osseo as planned, we were finally on our way and enjoying the drive together in separate cars. With my new point and shoot camera, I snapped a couple of fun drive-by photos by simply holding up the camera, clicking the button and hoping for the best. This quilt-adorned barn shows how well (or not) that works.
Then, there was Paul ahead of me. That was also fun.
In spite of my misgivings about this entire take-two-cars escapade, our separate drive together was turning out to be a pleasant experience.
Until we crossed the Mississippi. Not even all the way across. Paul hit a deer that ran up the river embankment. Never even saw it. I was right behind him and didn't see it either. My picture-taking was not quite so much fun anymore.
The rest of the weekend went much, much better. Our visit with Kit and Violet was wonderful. We went out for dinner on Friday night at The Ranch, a local Fairmont restaurant with this fascinating entrance way.
These handsome strangers add some perspective to the size of this work. The close up of one little portion provides an appreciation of the detail involved.
Sunday's breakfast with Kit and Violet before heading back and choosing not to stay on the interstate was peaceful and relaxing.
Monday was planting flowers and weeding. All in all a great weekend. Hope yours was as good (without smashing up your son's car, of course).
P.S. The car, as it turns out, was totaled. Gulp.
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