When the kids were little we dyed lots of Easter Eggs, not as many as my brothers and sisters and I made as kids, but lots of eggs considering nobody liked to eat them. We also did Ukrainian Easter Eggs. At one point we had a very large basket of eggs painstakingly decorated with layers of wax and dyes. They really were lovely. Not for long though. We also had this peculiar cat in the house at that time. She knocked the basket over and the eggs were finished. The enthusiasm we shared while going through the laborious process of dying those eggs simply never returned with the same vigor. Now, I don't dye eggs at all. Nobody likes to eat them, so I don't bother.
Today, while looking forward to almost all of us being together for Easter this year, I decided to make a small batch of Easter cookies. My mind saw dainty pastel creations iced with zigzags, swirls and dots and other fanciful touches.
Unfortunately, cut out cookies are cut out cookies. Whether Christmas or Easter or anytime in between, I'm all over the idea of beautifully decorated cookies until reality steps in. The discovery of only yellow or red food coloring in the cupboard was the first turn of the dimmer switch on this bright idea. Impatience sealed the deal. Still, I love the Easter egg cookies the most; I hope my family does too.

Happy Easter!
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