Last week was work, work, work. The reward for all that hard work came yesterday with a not only a day off, but a great day off. Friend Sandy extended an invitation for a little quilt shopping; that's not the type of thing I like to turn down. We went to the
Cutting Edge in Weston and the
Quilting Workshop in
Wausau. The latter was a first for me; this shop is loaded to the gills with fabrics. Sandy found just what she needed for the queen size
Double Irish Chain she'll be making. She's probably got it well under way already. Sandy is not one to let any
quilty grass grow under her feet!
quilty day didn't start until today when I finally got the quilting started on my
wallhanging. The center background and first border are done, but there's still the detail and outer borders that may have to wait until next weekend, depending on how the week goes. Still, a lot of progress was made today. While bread was rising and soup was simmering, my machine was humming away. I may not have a finished
wallhanging to show for my efforts, but I did have a nice rustic loaf of bread.

A pot of chicken and rice soup loaded with carrots and mushrooms and a loaf of fresh bread made a perfect supper for this cold and snowy day. As much as I love to spend a day off at the sewing machine, it just can't compete with the aroma of a chicken in the pot and a loaf of bread in the oven when the snow is blowing and wind is howling.
It's sounding like snow day kind of weather out there. Too bad I don't get off when school is canceled. I'd happily dedicate another day off to quilting and cooking.
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